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miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

8 - Season’s greetings

If you found these articles about Jesus interesting, please help us to spread them by adding a link to this blog in your season’s greetings. The following texts can be used to notify friends and relatives:
Every 25th December, Christians commemorate Jesus' virgin birth. However, a study of Early Christianity shows that Jesus was not born on that day, while another of the genealogies in the gospels reveals that the dogma of Jesus’ virgin birth comes from a misinterpretation of a cryptic message in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, which actually tells us the identity of Jesus’ real father. Nevertheless, I wish you a Happy Christmas.    /

You already knew that children are not born of a virgin. But did you also know that the dogma of Jesus’ virgin birth comes from a misinterpretation of a cryptic message in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, which actually tells us the identity of Jesus’ real father? /
You know my opinion about religion, but I have just read some articles about Jesus’ virgin birth in a blog that has surprised me very much. I recommend it to you: /

I have just read that the dogma of Jesus’ virgin birth comes from a misinterpretation of a cryptic message in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, which actually tells us the identity of Jesus’ real father. I hope that the Christian authorities will soon make an announcement regarding this hypothesis. No longer having to believe that Jesus was born of a virgin will make it easier when I tell people that I am a Christian. I recommend this blog: /

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